Wondering how to install Open Watcom 1.0 to program NetWare NLM's? The manual for original Watcom is not as helpful as it could be. Here's how you do it.


  1. Install Open Watcom 1.0. Select NetWare as Target System.
  2. Install NLM and NetWare Libraries for C (NDK).
  3. Edit the Systemenvironment-Variables and add C:\NOVELL\ndk\nwsdk\tools to the Path-Environment.
  4. Run C:\NOVELL\ndk\nwsdk\tools\makeinit.exe and type in the following answers.
    • Path to Watcom compiler: C:\watcom\
    • Path to NetWare SDK: C:\novell\sdk\nwsdk\
    • Change Input?: N
  5. Create C:\watcom\novi and copy all files in the C:\NOVELL\ndk\nwsdk\imports to it.
  6. Edit the file C:\watcom\binw\ide.cfg. Now you have to change three lines. Search for: -
    • CSwitch 0, ?????, "No default libraries", "op nod", OFF
      Change the OFF to ON.
    • VSwitch 1, l????, "Import names(,):", imp, " ", MULTI, REQ,??
      Change the last ?? to: ?$(nlm386imp)\all.imp?
    • VSwitch 0, l????, "Include directories:", -i, =, MULTI, REQ, $(%watcom)\novh
      Add ;$(nlm386hdr) to the end of the line.
  7. Reboot your Machine. The install is complete.

Create new Project

  1. To compile NetWare Loadable Module (NLM), create a new project. (NetWare 32-Bit NLM)
  2. Add new Sources. First add the C:\watcom\novi\prelude.obj and then your Source. (Only *.c Files)
  3. Add to your source code the following lines:
void __WATCOM_Prelude (void)

Now you can finish your Project and compile it. Watcom should produce a nice NLM.

Original posted on NetWare Cool Solutions Article by Bjoern Gaul in 2003

Reader Comments

  • Useful step-by-step procedures. Should this not also be posted on the Novell Developer website?
  • Typo: 4. "Path to NetWare SDK" must read subst sdk with dk
  • recognizing OpenWatcom is a large and good step for Novell. now if they would only realize that Windows is not the only OS in the world.